Enterprising I.T. Solutions




Security Concepts




Risk Assessments


A risk assessment is the most fundamental task in an Information Technology Security Analysis. No effective security plan can be properly implemented without a risk assessment first being performed. A risk assessment identifies the threats a security plans must protect against. There are a few questions to be addressed in order to improve the security of an organization’s Information Technology (IT) solutions: 

  • What resources & assets within the organization need protection? 
  • What are the risks to each of these assets? 
  • What are the costs of the losses due to these risks?
  • What is the value to the organization to implement adequate protection against these threats? 

Risks can come from a few sources: Natural Disaster & Environmental Risks, Deliberate Attacks, and Unintentional Risks. 


These sources are illustrated in the following diagram. Click here to see Risk Sources.


Identifying the risks to your organization is only the first part of the problem. Understanding how to eliminate these risks, and then deciding between the possibly solutions is next. 

But how do you evaluate which solution best addresses your risks? Which vendor’s solution actually remove your risks, and which ones merely cover them up, or only partially resolve the risks?

Finally, after you have identified the most effective solutions, how do you properly implement them? 

You’re a business man, not an IT Analyst! How much time can you afford to spend to implementing the solutions? Then If you don’t implement the solution properly, all the work done so far will be a waste.

That’s why you need help with your IT security analysis, and that’s why Enterprising IT Solutions should be your choice in IT partners. Don’t spend any of your valuable time trying to learn enough about your current technologies to properly understand their risks, evaluate effective solutions, and finally properly implement them. Let IT professionals from Enterprising IT Solutions help you understand and eliminate the risks in your IT solutions.